Sunday, 1 April 2012

How does your media product represent particular social groups? By Johnny Wring

'Mr Blonde' is a character out of quentin tarantino's 'Reservoir dogs' played by Micheal Madison. This character is extremely similar to the character in our movie opening 'Mr Cooper' and shares a lot of similar traits.

'Mr Blonde' is a relitively relaxed and quite character, who shows very little emotion. However as we are shown more and more of this character in Reservoir Dogs, we soon realise that he is a very dangerous and slightly psychotic. In Reservoir Dogs he dresses in a casual suit, very similar to the ones being worn in our movie opening by our characters, specifically 'Mr Cooper'.

'Mr Cooper' is one of our character in our movie opening. He shares a lot common with 'Mr Blonde' from Reservoir Dogs such as dress sense and style. Both characters are quite quiet and portray a relaxed body image. Both are 'professional' criminals, and both carry a gun. Although 'Mr Blonde' is clearly more Psychotic than 'Mr Cooper', they still share a lot of similar traits both in image and personality.

As for whether our characters represent a more wider audience/social group, it is hard to say. Our character do not particuly represent any groups in society, however do challenge the typical male criminals you will find in crime movies. For instance our characters are clearly much younger than your typical criminal such as 'Mr Blonde' however image wise are very typical.

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