Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Evaluation 6 - Daniel Wilson

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Camera & Tripod

Before this project, I already had some basic knowledge on how best to use a camera in terms of positioning to get the right angles and such. Get used to using a tripod rather than just holding the camera took some getting used to. I learned throughout this is that  using a tripod is incredibly useful at getting still and panning shots. However, it is really impractical for moving shots.

Adobe Photoshop CS5

Even before this project, I was already very knowledgeable on how to use Photoshop, having used it several time for other current and past subjects. As a result, I haven't really learned anything new about how to use Photoshop as a result of using it in this project.

Final Cut Pro

Final Cut Pro was a video editing software that I had very little knowledge of, having used either I Movie or Window Movie Maker prior to this project. In the beginning, I found using Final Cut very difficult, it being a lot difference in terms how things are organised than the other two programs. After some familiarisation and  assistance, I've managed to become somewhat competent with my editing now.

You tube

You Tube was used for the uploading of the final piece and any other video media that was needed for the project. Youtube was best suited for this as blogger allows easy embedding of videos from Youtube


Garageband was a very minor program in terms of its significance to the project. The only time we used it was for creating the bass riff at the end of the opening.


Blogger was without a doubt the most used technology in this project, it being used for recording my entire progress and development of the final film. Before this project, I never used a blogging site before and had little-to-no knowledge of how to create and maintain a blog. Now after this project, I have gained some knowledge on how to run a blog to a somewhat sufficient, if somewhat disorganised, degree.

Overall, I have gained some knowledge in programs I have never used before. By becoming more familiar with the use of these programs, I am able to create more professional work than what I could have made prior. However, simply knowing how to use these programmes doesn't guarantee an especially creative piece. A lot of it comes from the ideas generated before hand.

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