1. The first frame states a location and time period creating a setting for us to dwell on. In this case the film starts by looking back at past events which occured in Boston, America.
2. In the second frame we are shown a school bus driving behind a black police officer. The filming of this shot is clearly emphasising the time period as it is shot with an old camera. The fact that we are told in the previous shot that this is "some years ago" allows us to suggest that this is perhaps to do with the racism fight which took place during this time period in America.
3. Leading on from the previous scene we are now shown police officers lined up next to eachother in riot gear, suggesting tention and violence, which is a very strong presence throughout the film.
4.In this frame we are shown a shot of the city 'Boston' again emphasising location and setting. The shot also builds upon the current events taking place. The shot zooms in from a far to a close up of a certain part of 'Boston' leading us to believe that this is where some sort of action is going to take place.
5. This frame show Jack Nicholson's character Frank Costello in what looks to be like a garage of some sort. It is a pan shot of him walking across the room, whilst smoking. We are also hearing him voice over during the shot. The lighting in this frame is very dark leaving us with very few ideas of what this character is going to be like, more specifically who he is and what does he do.
6. We are now shown the exterior of a shop during daytime, in which some people are walking by. From certain objects within the scene, such as the old car we can start to suggest a more specific date to the setting. The shot is slowly zooming in on the shop, suggesting that a scene of some what significance is about to be presented to us.
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