Thursday, 29 March 2012

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product? By Jack Bowering

Since making the preliminary task i believe that i have learnt alot about camera work and editing. First i knew the basiscs of useing cameras but not much of an idea of camera shots and angles. Furthermore i  was very much unclear of all the softwares that you edit your shots in to create your film.

During this project i was working in a group which placed less pressure upon myself but it made me feel like i couldnt let my team down becasue it would have an affect upn there grades. So this made me concentrate and work as hard as i could. Also becasue i was part of a team we had more ideas which helped me and our group get the best possible ideas and have the greatest possible outcomes.

By concentrating i made all of my work as good as it could be. I made sure I knew my way around, Final Cut Pro, Soundtrack Pro and Photoshop, this helped me make the film look as good as possible. Without all of the new techniques i have learnt i wouldnt have been able to create nearly as much work as i did. with the new techniques i have learnt i was able to create effects while only using camera shots/angels/sounds and lighting.

By working more with cameras i have learnt that the camera can create differnt effects and it can pick up more that images. I also learnt that by editing all of the clips i have recieved i can create the nessecary sounds and images to enhance the film to make it as good as possible. With all of this i have gained more confidence so i can attempt more things so i can make the effects better and create a better film.

I have gained alot of knowledge and differnt techniques which can haelp make sure I can create the best media product I potentionally can.

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product? By Jack Bowering

Throughout this project my knowlege of differnt technologies has vastly improved.

i used this machine throughout the project. All of the differnt programs that i used were all based on this mac so i had to gain a decent knowledge of this mac to understand all of the differnt programs.

It was on photoshop where i did all of my editing and seting up so that i could make every thing look more proffesional. However at the start i had a fairly decent knowledge of photoshot so it was easy for me to pick up the neccesary techniques needed for this film.

I used final cut pro to edit all of the film clips so that they would run smoothly. I had never heard of this program before so before i could start useing it i had to learn all of the basics.

I used soundtrack pro to edit all of thesound clips so that they would run smoothly. I had never heard of this program before so before i could start useing it i had to learn all of the basics. furthermore i created music on other programs so i had to decide which i was better at and then use that chosen programs.

I used  blogger to blog all of my work throughout the project. I had never used this program before but it was very easy to grasp and use.


By following the normal style of Gangster films i was able to attract the target audience while using the normal features. These are very similar to what you see in the big screen.

The setting is very simple but yet sinister.

The characters are seen to be very powerful and serious.

The soundtrack during the titles is more lighthearted unlike the film. This helps introduce the characters in a gentler way.

suspence is built up during the entire clip to make the audience what to keep watching.

As you can see my film is like many Gangster films you see on the big screen. This will therefore not only bring in our target audience but others aswell who are intreseted in gangsters and what comes with them.


3. What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

A Production company is the company who makes the  production of a film. The production company may be responsible for raising funding or may have a link with a larger company whom funds the film. We have created a film distributer company for this film which is "Little Devil Productions" when it came to releasing the film we would of had to locate a distribution company whom is responsible for releasing films to the public.

I have researched into possible distributors who could release of movie. i have found different companies big and small.i have found Kaleidoscope film distributors as a perfect company to use because of how it specialises in Gangster films. we could also distribute by sending our film to a film festival for example Cannes film festival or  Edinburgh International Film Festival. There are many famous film distributors around the world. Here are three famous film distrubutors and three smaller film distrubutors.

Warner Brothers.

Paramount pictures

Universal Pictures

Icon Entertainment

 lionsgate logo
Momentum Pictures

Before any filming can be done they must aquire the funds to create the film from different companies. This sate of the film is usually taken place in post-preduction. Gathering the funds can be a large risk for the companies fronting the money because they are not sure how much profit they will make from the film so this makes this process of the film production one of the hardest and most lengthiest parts of film production.

In the opening of many if not all film you will see the distrubutors logo this advertises there brand informs the viewer that they were contributors in the film. we also include the distrubuting company in our film as to show who contributed and helped create the film. for our titles we thought of taking ideas from other films or even using other film distrubutors however we decided to use our own because it would give it the correct effect.

For our film we could have many options because of its genre we could distrubute it with own of the big six. However i think that we would prefer a small independant distrubution company because our film is a small to no budjet film and then it would be taken to film festivals and spread viraly just like we have done. If i could choose a specific company it would be Revolver Entertainment because it is a small independant british film distrubuting company know for doing crime and gangster films. Revolver Entertainment has been around for since 1997 and has distrubuted many films around the world since then.

How does your media product represent particular social groups? By Jack Bowering.

Above we have our character Mr. Cooper (left) and John Dillinger (right) from Public Enemies. i have chosen Public enemies because they are both gangster movies will a similar rise and fall story line. I feel that there is a large comparison between the two representations.Public enemies is a  story of the last few years of the notorious bank robber John Dillinger. John Dillinger is a hard mob boss/ bank jobber he is played by Johnny Depp in comparison with our media product they both have a dangerous life and are both crime lords that inflict a massive amount of pain towards their victims.

Our film Interceptors is about a group of low level gangsters who get infiltrated by a undercover police officer who gradually destroys them from the inside. all of the cast are dressed in stereotypical gangster clothing. also in Public enemies they are also dressed in stereotypical gangster clothing. As with Public Enemies our film is following the usual rise and fall story line so that the audience can relate to it. However with Public enemies the have a storyline where the police take out everybody around him, ours is about a police officer who is attacking them from the inside. i feel our film is set up is a modern adaptation way and to historical correct.

Above we have our character DCI Woods (right) and Ofcr. Marvin Nash (left) from Reservoir dogs. I have chosen Reservoir dogs because they are both gangster movies will a similar rise and fall story line.I feel that there is a large comparison between the two representations. Reservoir dogs is about a bank job gone wrong. They both are hostages that get severely tortured but survive and the mobsters attacking them get caught. they both fit in the social group of victims. however as ours clothing is normal and uninspiring this makes him look like the unlucky passer by but in reservoir dogs Ofcr. Marvin Nash is clearly a police officer by doing this we have tried to make the audience feel sympathetic for DCI Woods. By having all of the camera shots either looking down from the mobsters or the victim looking up at the mobsters this give the impression that they have no power and that they are at the mercy of the mobsters.

1. In what ways does our media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? By Jack Bowering

Throughout our film opening we maintained the usual conventions of crime/gangster movie openings. We used the usual rise and fall of a mobster boss, we looked at several Crime/Gangster movies so that we knew how they look and make ours looks as professional as possible.

Our Ident pushes the normal conventions of media products because it does not suit the style of film. Our Ident has a simple dark background with a red text over it we decided on this because of how it stands out and is clear to see. The image of the Ident is what is very unrelated to Crime /gangster movies because it is childish and unrelated.

Character introduction:

The way we introduced our characters maintained to usual forms and conventions of real media. We introduced the hostage (Danny Wilson) first from behind while using a panning up shot so that the audience will see how venerable he is. Then in the background of shot the Mobster enters (Jack Bowering) 
but we hid he’s features so it looks just 
like his silhouette. We also showed the 
mobsters face up close so that we see his features
 but to also show his power over the hostage.

 Characters costume:

When we researched our Crime/Gangster films we came to a conclusion that all of the Mobsters should have dark suits to show smart sophistication but also show not to be messed with. The suits were black with a white shirt and black trousers. For the hostages costume we decided to have him were casual clothing as to make him look as dull and boring as possible so that all of the attention is taken             away from him and is focus upon the mobsters.


For the location we used a college dark room because it was dark and secretive. The room itself had tools to create different objects so if these were seen by 
                                                               the audience it would look like a workshop.
                                                                  This went along with the conventions of 
                                                                Crime/gangsters movies because of how 
                                                                   its cut away from the rest of the world,
                                           furthermore it is sinister this also helps create the suspense.


We have many “crimish” props. We used a large bag to carry all of the torture tools. In this bad were household tools that could be used to inflict harm on to the            hostage.We also had two guns that were
                                                                        used to show our power. Next we had
                                     a cigar which helped us set the seen of a mobster in the 1970s. 


Throughout the film we have maintained the same lighting, which is a bright white light in the back of the shot. We choose this because it cast shadows over the hostage and area around the set. By causing these shadows we are taking away all of his power because we seem to be looming over him and to be massively more powerful. Also by using a large bright light it helps the objects we use stand out and be more prominent.  

Thursday, 1 March 2012

Props list

 1: The Handgun used by the gangsters. Because their is only one gun, there are no shots of the gangster holding anymore than one gun
 2: The hipflask is on the person of one of the gangsters who drinks out of it in one scene. The flask has no real relevance to the story.
 3: The cards are used in the movie to show that the gangsters are gambling men.
 4: This is the costume for the character of "Callaghan" and "Cooper"
5: This is the costume for the character of "Mr. Edgar"